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Share a PowerPoint template (*.POT) on the network

A question that is often asked is - how does one share a template such that it appears when the users select File | New . It's not at all difficult and it is easy to administer - simply store the template in the Workgroup template folder. The Workgroup template folder is a shared folder available on the network. The default setting is blank. Three ways to set the workgroup template location:

Method A: Edit the registry

  1. Start Regedit (95/98/ME) or Regedt32 (NT/2000) and traverse down to the following key.

  2. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\<Version Number>\Common\General

  3. Add the following String Value if it does not exist - SharedTemplates and set it's value to the path of the share folder.

  4. PowerPoint will automatically look for the workgroup location and display the templates in the location set. Note: Replace <Version Number> with either 8.0/9.0/10.0 depending upon the version of PowerPoint you use.

Method B: Use the MS Shortcut Bar.

Double click on Shortcut bar to bring on the Customize window. On the settings tab... Select "Workgroup Templates Location" and set the appropriate path.

Method C: Within Word

Set The location thru -- Tools | Options | File Locations |Modify in MS Word
and then copy the PowerPoint templates to the location.



Save slides as individual presentations

Sounds simple to achieve. If you try to do it using the copy/paste routine it will work but not quite! Using a copy/paste based routine will result in loss of the original template and source formatting. So what do we do to circumvent this issue?

It is known fact that a slide can be exported to a different image format however it is little known that the export method can also be used to export the slide to a create a new presentation of the exported slide. The export method requires an argument which specifies which image format the slides are to be exported too. We make use of this argument to specify PowerPoint format as the target format desired. This retains all the original slide formatting. This routine is also included in Shyam's ToolBox

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' Copyright ©1999-2018, Shyam Pillai, All Rights Reserved.
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' You are free to use this code within your own applications, add-ins,
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' otherwise distributing this source code without prior consent.
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Sub BreakupPres()
    Dim oPres As Presentation
    Dim oSld As Slide

    Set oPres = ActivePresentation
    For Each oSld In oPres.Slides
        oSld.Export ("D:\Scrap\") & "Slide" & _
            Format(oSld.SlideIndex, "000") & ".ppt", "PPT"
    Next oSld
    Set oPres = Nothing
End Sub



Copyright 1999-2018 (c) Shyam Pillai. All rights reserved.