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Game of Concentration
An example using VBA to create the concentration game in PowerPoint.
PowerPoint 97 or later. |
1. Extract the contents
of the zip to a folder. 3. Enable the macro when prompted.
4. Run the slideshow and
play the game.
Note: If you are unable to run the code check your macro security setting.
The shapes have been setup
in a distinct manner to make this work:
Option Explicit
' Copyright © Shyam Pillai. All rights reserved.
Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Const IMAGE_BLOCKS = 16 ' Using 8 images so twice that number is the number of images blocks.
Const IMAGE_BLOCKS_OFFSET = 1 ' We have an underlying image hence the offet is 1 else 0.
' Cheat: To see the underlying image, set this to a value between >0 and <= 1 (PPT 2002+ only).
Sub Reset(oShp As Shape)
' Create a collection of random numbers based on the starting
' Index position of the image blocks. (See code in the PPT)
oCol = RandomNumbers(IMAGE_BLOCKS + IMAGE_BLOCKS_OFFSET, 1 + _
' Clear existing names on the shapes which cover the grid images because we will name them
' based on the shape below it.
oShp.Parent.Shapes(I).Name = "oShape" & I
Next I
' Place the image blocks at the new positions obtained after randomizing.
For I = LBound(oCol) To UBound(oCol)
Set oShapeA = oShp.Parent.Shapes(oCol(I))
Set oShapeB = oShp.Parent.Shapes(I + 17 + IMAGE_BLOCKS_OFFSET)
With oShapeA
.Left = oShapeB.Left
.Top = oShapeB.Top
' Name the shape which is covering the image block such that we can ascertain ' the shape below it when it is clicked upon. ' If the image shape has the name 'Pict 5' then the shape covering it will get the name 'Pict 5~5' oShapeB.Name = .Name & "~" & Val(Mid(.Name, InStr(1, .Name, " ") + 1)) oShapeB.Fill.Transparency = LEARNING_MODE_TRANSPARENCY oShapeB.Visible = True .Visible = True End With Next I 'Reset the scorecard Call ButtonClick oShp.Parent.Shapes("Player1").TextFrame.TextRange = "0" oShp.Parent.Shapes("Player2").TextFrame.TextRange = "0" oShp.Parent.Shapes("PlayerTurn").TextFrame.TextRange = "Turn: Player 1" End Sub Sub ButtonClick(Optional oShp As Shape)
On Error Resume Next
Static LastShape As Shape
Static PlayerTwo As Boolean
Static SecondCard As Boolean
Dim iVal1 As Integer, iVal2 As Integer
If oShp Is Nothing Then GoTo Reset
If oShp.Fill.Transparency = 1 Then Exit Sub
If Not SecondCard Then
SecondCard = True
Set LastShape = oShp
oShp.Fill.Transparency = 0.9 'Make the shape that is clicked upon transparent.
Exit Sub
End If
oShp.Fill.Transparency = 0.9 'Make the shape that is clicked upon transparent.
'From the names of the shapes ascertain if it is a matched pair.
iVal1 = Val(Mid(LastShape.Name, InStr(1, LastShape.Name, "~") + 1))
iVal2 = Val(Mid(oShp.Name, InStr(1, oShp.Name, "~") + 1))
Call Sleep(300) 'Hold the transparent state for a few moments.
' e.g. iVal1 = 4 and iVal2 = 3 will mean that it is a matched pair. since iVal1 - 1 = 3 = iVal2
' Since they match; hide that pair else cover them up again and pass the turn to the next player.
If iVal1 Mod 2 = 0 Then
If iVal1 - 1 = iVal2 Then
oShp.Visible = False
LastShape.Visible = False
oShp.Parent.Shapes(Mid(oShp.Name, 1, InStr(1, oShp.Name, "~") - 1)).Visible = False
oShp.Parent.Shapes(Mid(LastShape.Name, 1, InStr(1, LastShape.Name, "~") - 1)).Visible = False
If PlayerTwo Then
With oShp.Parent.Shapes("Player2").TextFrame
.TextRange = Val(.TextRange) + 1
End With
With oShp.Parent.Shapes("Player1").TextFrame
.TextRange = Val(.TextRange) + 1
End With
End If
PlayerTwo = Not PlayerTwo
End If
If iVal1 + 1 = iVal2 Then
oShp.Visible = False
LastShape.Visible = False
oShp.Parent.Shapes(Mid(oShp.Name, 1, InStr(1, oShp.Name, "~") - 1)).Visible = False
oShp.Parent.Shapes(Mid(LastShape.Name, 1, InStr(1, LastShape.Name, "~") - 1)).Visible = False
If PlayerTwo Then
With oShp.Parent.Shapes("Player2").TextFrame
.TextRange = Val(.TextRange) + 1
End With
With oShp.Parent.Shapes("Player1").TextFrame
.TextRange = Val(.TextRange) + 1
End With
End If
PlayerTwo = Not PlayerTwo
End If
End If
LastShape.Fill.Transparency = LEARNING_MODE_TRANSPARENCY
' Put up the message to indicate whose turn it is.
If PlayerTwo Then
oShp.Parent.Shapes("PlayerTurn").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Turn: Player 2"
oShp.Parent.Shapes("PlayerTurn").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Turn: Player 1"
End If
' Keep a track of the score to ascertain if all cards are exposed.
With oShp.Parent If Val(.Shapes("Player1").TextFrame.TextRange) _ + Val(.Shapes("Player2").TextFrame.TextRange) > 0 Then If IMAGE_BLOCKS / (Val(.Shapes("Player1").TextFrame.TextRange) _ + Val(.Shapes("Player2").TextFrame.TextRange)) = 2 Then Select Case Val(.Shapes("Player1").TextFrame.TextRange) Case Is = Val(.Shapes("Player2").TextFrame.TextRange) MsgBox "Game over. The scores are tied.", vbInformation, "Concentration" Case Is < Val(.Shapes("Player2").TextFrame.TextRange) MsgBox "Game over. Player 2 is the winner!", vbInformation, "Concentration" Case Is > Val(.Shapes("Player2").TextFrame.TextRange) MsgBox "Game over. Player 1 is the winner!", vbInformation, "Concentration" End Select End If End If End With Reset:
Set LastShape = Nothing
SecondCard = False
End Sub
Copyright 1999-2018 (c) Shyam Pillai. All rights reserved.